Monday, January 30, 2012

Dark Harbor

Dark Harbor 

Medium World 
WA, Amb, LN ~ No CC
115 lots- empty
It has a Harbor, Farmland,
City center, Hills, Beach, and Swamps...
Download Mediafire

Monday, January 23, 2012

Moon Base Charlie/Delta

Moon Base Charlie/Delta

Large World
(2048x2048) 46MB/
Number of Lots: 97 =Com: 55/Res: 42
Tech: WA/Amb/LN needed. 

Plus EV Pack free from EA's Store Here 

 Moon Base Charlie II Download
 Moon Base Delta Download

(Delta Version 48MB; 14 Lots/28 Sims) 

There are Legacy priced lots, lots with domes to build under, a dig site, and lots of space to wander in... if you have the right equipment!

I hope you enjoy and leave lots of comments! =D